Tülin D. Açıkalın, a founding partner of ADZ Law, LLP will be featured in the faculty of upcoming education programs.
Tülin has been an active faculty of La Casa de las Madres since 2015 providing quarterly 40-hour domestic violence training, Domestic Violence and the law. This training provides participants with knowledge about domestic violence, its intersections with other issues, and practical skills to support survivors.
Tülin is faculty for Lawyers for Family Justice providing once per month training for the Legal Incubator Program. The Family Justice Center provides an environment where incubator attorneys gain experience in how to manage a law practice while providing pro bono consultations and low bono services to clients.
August 2020 she will be featured on Practising Law Institute’s San Francisco Live Webcast, California Family Law Basics: Pro Bono Representation in Low-Income Family Law Cases 2020. Her topics include Family Law 101/ Overview in Low-Income Family Law Cases with co-presenter Erin Everett, Child Custody and Visitation Procedure with co-presenters Karin Alm and Stephanie E. Bilinski, and How to Finish a Dissolution Case: Case Settlement and Trials with co-presenter Antonia More.