Berkeley Law Magazine recently published an article, 'A Great Example of What Our Community, and the Rule of Law, Can Accomplish', written by Andrew Cohen. ADZ Law Of Counsel, Mallika Kaur, and Professor Andrew Bradt are featured as collaborators to the recent case that the ADZ Law team of Tulin Acilakin, Jessica Dayton, Laura Alvarez, Paula Vielman-Reeves, and Mallika Kaur appealed. In a victory for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault who are harmed while visiting California, the client won her appeal in a case certified for publication. The case, Doe v. Damron (2021) __Cal.Rptr.3d__, 2021 WL 4891856, is available here.
Amicus briefs were filed by Professor Andrew Bradt of University of California, Berkeley School of Law; and the Family Violence Appellate Project and Hinshaw Law, with 19 other individuals and organizations signing on. Click the link below.